"Crisis of Character," author Gary Byrne

A former Secret Service agent who played a key role during the investigation into President Bill Clinton's affair with then White House intern Monica Lewinsky is already delighting conservative audiences with a searing tell-all book about the Clinton White House.

My Analysis:

I watched the interview with the author Gary Byrme last night on Megan Kelly's show. I do not like the Clinton's for many valid reasons. From a profiling standpoint, I must call it the way I see it. I never let my emotions, feelings, or personal opinions get in the way of the truth.

I watched Byrme's body language and listened to his words. I do not find him credible. Many of his statements were very equivocal Mr. Byrme never answered Kelly's questions with a direct answer based on facts he saw or was directly involved in. He also changed his story from statements he made under oath when giving testimony to Ken Starr.

I call his statements "weaving a lie within a truthful statement." I am sure he saw and heard a "few things" while being stationed at the White House but not to the extent he is stating. To this profiler he is looking for his fifteen minutes of fame. I am looking for truth here not someone who is looking for fame and fortune.


China and the Corona Virus


Statement Analysis: Eric Bolling, Fox News